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Word vectors: Sentiment classification

We will use word vector representations to build an Emojifier that classifies the sentiment of a sentence to one of a given number of classes and pick an emoji accordingly. 🀩 πŸ’« πŸ”₯

An emojifier will make your text messages more expressive. Rather than writing:

Congratulations on the promotion! Let’s get coffee and talk. Love you!

An emojifier can automatically turn this into:

Congratulations on the promotion! πŸ‘ Let’s get coffee and talk. β˜•οΈ Love you! ❀️

We implement a model that inputs a sentence (such as β€œLet’s go see the baseball game tonight!”) and finds the most appropriate emoji to be used with this sentence (⚾️).

I did this project in the Sequence Models course as part of the Deep Learning Specialization.


We have a small training dataset (X, Y) where:

The test dataset contains 56 examples. Some examples of sentences and their labels (emojis) are shown below.


Therefore, this is a classification problem with 5 classes.


We build two different models. With each model, we use the pre-trained 50-dimensional GloVe as word embeddings.

Baseline model

The baseline model simply averages the embeddings of the words in the input sentence, forward propagagetes the averge through a softmax layer.

Baseline model

In particular, this model does not consider the word ordering.

LSTM model

The second model use LSTM to take word ordering into account.

LSTM model


Some results from the baseline model are:

i adore you ❀️
i love you ❀️
funny lol πŸ˜„
lets play with a ball ⚾
food is ready 🍴
not feeling happy πŸ˜„

The baseline model ignores word ordering and as a result don’t do well on a phrase like:

not feeling happy

The LSTM model gets this example right, but does not do well on some other examples:

Expected emoji:πŸ˜„ prediction: he got a very nice raise	❀️
Expected emoji:πŸ˜„ prediction: she got me a nice present	❀️
Expected emoji:😞 prediction: This girl is messing with me	❀️
Expected emoji:🍴 prediction: any suggestions for dinner	πŸ˜„
Expected emoji:πŸ˜„ prediction: you brighten my day	❀️
Expected emoji:😞 prediction: she is a bully	❀️
Expected emoji:πŸ˜„ prediction: she said yes	😞
Expected emoji:🍴 prediction: I did not have breakfast 😞

This is because the training set is small. If the training set were larger, the LSTM model would be much better than the baseline model at understanding more complex sentences.